John Davis does everything Keith does. When Keith puts on his shoes, John Davis wants to put on his shoes, even if we aren't going anywhere. Keith told me he needed to go work outside, so John Davis found his boots and tried to put them on. It was hilarious to see him standing in them. They are just about as tall as his legs are long.

Keith and I love to be outside, especially working in the yard. John Davis got this lawn mower from our dear friends for his birthday. Here he is helping Mommy and Daddy mow the grass.

John Davis' new hiding place is under the dining room table. He loves to crawl up, around, and under things. I have found him many times under this table. I wonder what he is thinking when he is hiding!

I have always heard the saying that children learn by seeing. Well, obviously John Davis has seen me sweet a time or two. He was actually bending down with the dust pan trying to brush dirt into it.